Growth Manager (m/f/d)

Permanent employee, Full-time · Homeoffice

Wer sind wir?
In your role as Growth Manager (m/f/d) you will actively support our direct sales, especially in the global SME market, with a lot of focus on our digitally driven sales channels. You will work closely with our teams to maximize the potential of our product and strengthen our product-led growth strategy.
Welche Aufgaben erwarten dich
  • Direct sales support: optimization of global SME sales via our website and digital channels.
  • Monitoring important KPIs: Observing, analyzing and interpreting key metrics to ensure the success of our campaigns and measures.
  • Campaign support: Collaboration in the planning, implementation and optimization of marketing and sales campaigns.
  • Strategic co-design: Active involvement in the strategic structure and further development of our product-led growth strategy.
  • Creative freedom: You will be given plenty of room for initiative and new ideas to drive our growth targets forward.
Was solltest du mitbringen?
  • Completed studies in business informatics, business administration (BWL) or a comparable qualification
  • Initial experience in sales, marketing or growth management, ideally in a B2B environment
  • Analytical skills and an affinity for numbers, especially for monitoring KPIs and deriving recommendations for action
  • Creativity and enjoy contributing and trying out new ideas
  • Good communication skills and team spirit to work closely with other departments
  • Very good command of English, other languages are an advantage
Darauf kannst du dich freuen
  • Exciting and varied projects
  • A motivated, dynamic and diverse team
  • Flexible working hours and variable work location
  • Family friendliness and healthy work-life balance
  • The opportunity to participate in the company’s development
  • High transparency and open interaction at eye level
  • 30 days of vacation and an attractive retirement package
  • Modern offices in a central city location with excellent accessibility
  • Extensive work equipment (also in the home office)
  • Job ticket
  • Attractive company health management: fitness program, job bike and much more
  • 100% remote work possible
  • A good conscience due to our open-source approach
Über uns

Werde Teil unseres Teams!

Du willst einen Blick hinter die Kulissen werfen, schau doch mal auf unserem LinkedIn Kanal vorbei oder lies dir durch was Kolleg:innen auf Kununu berichten.

Wir suchen Menschen, die Lust haben, mit uns herauszufinden, was in ihnen steckt. Wir suchen Teamplayerinnen und Teamplayer, die  gerne Verantwortung übernehmen und ihre Begeisterung teilen wollen. Dabei ist uns in erster Linie wichtig, dass du Freude an deiner Arbeit hast und etwas bewegen möchtest! Wir stehen für Vielfalt und begrüßen daher alle Bewerbungen – unabhängig von Geschlecht, Nationalität, ethnischer und sozialer Herkunft, Religion, Behinderung, Alter sowie sexueller Orientierung und Identität.

Wir freuen uns darauf dich kennenzulernen!
Work with us
You can work with us. On products, cyber security, numbers, data, digitalization and your personal development.
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